July has been a whirlwind of activity and travel, making me SO GLAD to have a coach to help me figure out how to juggle 100K training with the rest of my life.
The first week of July, four weeks into heart rate zone training, and I finally noticed progress! Many people give up because it’s frustrating to run slower than you know you can, but it does improve speed in the long run (pun intended).
T Rex 10 Mile Race Recap
On the fourth of July I ran the T Rex 10 Miler put on by the Old Farts Running Club. I LOVE their races and I had hoped to improve my time from last year. When we arrived at the race to pick out a t shirt, I noticed that the map was different from last year.
When we turned off the gravel road and onto the trail, I saw a sign that said “Beware Kong.” I was wondering what was up, because whenever you see a sign on an Old Farts race you know something hard is coming. Turns out they changed the route to include a steep hill that required a rope!
The next section was Stegasaurus Ridge.
I remembered this from last year. The rolling terrain is challenging because the brush makes it hard to see where you are going.
Finally we came to the race’s namesake: The T Rex
When all was said and done, even though I felt much stronger than last year, I was a few minutes slower because of the heat and new course. But I beat a few more people than last year, so that’s progress!
Family Vacation
My parents rent a lake house every year and it’s always a joy to see my sisters, their husbands, and my nieces and nephews. I went fishing with my dad, did some gravel road running, and showed one of my sisters the core workout that has become a staple in my training. Unfortunately I had to cut the vacation short because of the Wild Goose Festival starting later that week.
Wild Goose Festival
The best way to describe the Wild Goose Festival is a Christian hippie gathering featuring music, art, and justice workshops. World Renew (the organization for which I work) had a tent to promote our volunteer and advocacy opportunities so five other co workers and I attended the festival. We stayed in tents and had a great time and met lots of wonderful people. My favorite activity was pobably beer and hymns, although the silent disco was also fun. Amy Grant did the concert on the closing night which brought back a lot of memories.
The event took place in Hot Springs, NC which is a town right on the Appalachian Trail. So I had to do a short hike!
(Scroll through the images to see the awesome views!)
Side note, I had just finished listening to The Pursuit of Endurance, in which the author interviews several people who have Fastest Known Time records on many of the national trails. I highly recommend it! But after doing just a mile or so of the Appalachian Trail, I realize how hard mountains are. So there go my dreams of getting an FKT someday 😉
I had just enough time after the Wild Goose Festival to wash my clothes and get a long run in before heading to Guatemala for work. It was a fabulous trip, and I tried not to feel guilty about not having time or place to get my runs in. I did however get some hikes in as we visited community members. Very steep and at high elevation!
Visit my Instagram account for stories from the community visits.
It wasn’t all work though, we did get to visit the ruins in Tikal and San Juan Ixcoy.

While we were there, I remembered that the last time I was in Guatemala was before weight loss surgery and I was much heavier. I struggled to get to the top of the ruins. This time it was a breeze! (Well, as much as can be expected considering the elevation). Even the locals were surprised that I was able to hike up to their homes without being very tired.
Home, and back to training
It was nice having 10 days off from running, and I feel refreshed and ready to start the buildup to the 100K on September 7. My coach entered all the long runs from now until then, it’s getting real! I did a shakeout run yesterday and am confident that the time off didn’t hurt my endurance. In fact it felt great.
How do you balance travel and running goals? Does taking time off make you nervous or does it feel refreshing? Let me know in the comments!
For more fitness inspiration be sure to check out these running link ups: The Weekly Wrap hosted by hosted by HoHo Runs and Wendy from Taking the Long Way Home and Tuesdays on the Run with Patty, Erika, and Marcia!
What an amazing month you’ve had! I just love summer. For me, balancing travel and running works great. I always pack my running shoes because I love to explore new places on my feet. I’ll be having some time off this week–stay tuned to see why!
I look forward to hearing about it!
Those race signs are so fun. What a full month you’ve had – I’m impressed you’re training for a 100K on top of all that!
Wow, you had quite the July!!! I would totally love to run one of those Old Farts races – they sound so fun!!!
I was worried about the time off from running when I went to BlogFest and then hiking with my husband. But, actually, I think I needed that time away! It really helped and my runs this month have been so much better! I can’t even imagine training for a 100k. 50k seems so far to me right now!!
You can do it!
Well, I think old farts are obviously a lot of fun! You’ve had such a busy July. How validating to go back and easily do those strenuous hikes in Guatemala! Thanks for linking.
thanks for hosting!
Wow, that race course!! Looks so tough! Guatemala looks beautiful. Never been there but maybe one day.
It is definitely beautiful, one of my favorite countries.
What a busy and exciting month you had! That looks like one helluva race course. How cool to visit Guatemala! I love running while on vacay but I also don’t mind taking a break from running sometimes as well.
I Agree, breaks can be refreshing!
Looks like a fun, but challenging race! And cool travel. I barely ran on our trips this summer, but that was more due to injury than anything else.
Ugh, injury sucks. I am posting about it today.
Those dinosaur signs are hilarious! I usually try to stay active while on vacay, but I also respect that a vacation is a time away from the usual routine. My vacations are never super long (like a week at the absolute longest), so I know if I do miss a few runs/workouts, in the grand scheme of things, not much damage is done.
that is so true!
What a jam packed July you had – races, family time, work trips and functions! Well done for getting it all done – and all sounded like such great experiences. I think I would have cried when I saw some of those signs on the T Rex Trail! LOL!
yes, the signs are intimidating!
What a funny name for a running club. That race looked fun though!
I realize I need to follow you on IG!
My cousin just returned from a mission trip in Guetamala.
what A small world!